Monday, February 25, 2013

New Glarus Serendipity

Alright people,

As my loyal 26 reader following knows, I was able to get a friend to bring me back a selection of New Glarus beers over the holidays. Well, of the 4 different beers she got for me, we've made it halfway through with Apple Ale and Raspberry Tart. This past weekend I cracked open the third NG beer; Serendipity.

Anyone living in the Midwest can tell you, this past summer was terribly hot. Because of that, much of the cherry crop failed, rendering the making of New Glarus' staple Belgian Red beer impossible. According to the label on Serendipity, a good apple and cranberry crop was able to alleviate their problem and allow them to make this new beer.

At first glance at the pour, no one would guess that this is a fruit beer, but the scent gives it away. Huge sweet and semi-tart apple mixed with cranberry dominate the nose. Apple is the prominent flavor in the smell, but some cranberry juice tartness is also detectable. It tastes pretty much the same as its scent, but better. Apple starts strong and morphs into cranberry tartness. Slight hints of what cherries are in the beer make an appearance with their usual sour bite. On the whole though, the taste of this one is very balanced, more sweet up front with some more sour notes on the back end. This is truly a fruity, champagne of a beer. Light and fruity, fizzy and sweet; it's delicious in every sense of the word. This truly is fruit beer perfection.

(Full review here.)

75% of the way through the different NG  beers I have and I have determined one thing; I will need to make a Wisconsin road trip for more Serendipity. Don't get me wrong, Apple Ale and Raspberry Tart were good, but neither matches the blend and complexity of Serendipity. That being said, I hope that the Belgian Red I have also lives up to its reputation. I would love to be able to make a trip up to Wisco to grab a case (or 3) of some great NG beers.

Until next time, cheers!

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