The Hunter

Great face, huh?
Hey everyone, I'm Chris, the founder of this here little site. I'm a beer lover and have been since I turned.....21. I love the hunt for new beers and currently moving into hoppy summer beers. Going through a little bit of a site redesign/get this thing looking decent phase, so keep checking back!

Current Favorite Beers: Cantillon Iris, Founders KBS, Goose Island BCBS, Stone IRS, and now Russian River Pliny the Elder


  1. Fellas! What's up? Mark, haven't talked to you in a hot minute but hope all is well at school. I miss y'all. Chris, good first post, I'll do my best to follow what you've got to say and try to offer any new ones too.

    1. Great! Hopefully whenever you're around I can break out something special and you can be the guest star! Hope you're keeping safe man
