Friday, January 4, 2013

A Good Beer Day

Alright people,

I'm here to tell you all about one of the better beer days I've had in a long while. If you are familiar at all with the craft beer scene, you'll know that Bourbon County Brand Stouts are highly sought after....and delicious. You also might know that getting the BCBS variants is a task in itself. Well, after searching and talking to the beer guys at a few stores and .....BOOM!

Finally landed my personal whale for the 2012 season;albeit I got it in 2013. Anyway, I grabbed this and a couple of stouts from Dark Horse Brewing. I've never tried any of their beers, but I hear good things about them.

Tonight, I am declaring a Dogfish Head night. I'm starting with one of their regular lineup beers that I haven't had, courtesy of my recent trip to Jungle Jim's. Raison D'Etre is described on the bottle as "A deep mahogany ale brewed with Belgian beet sugars, green raisins, and a sense of purpose." Sounds good to me.

It's a beer that pours beautifully despite its lack of much of a head. The scent and the taste are not bad and fairly complex. This beer is big on the caramel malts and also has some dark fruit flavors. The Belgian beet sugar gives it somewhat of a Belgian ale flavor. Not incredible, but not bad either. Here's the whole review.

In part 2 of Dogfish Day, we take a taste of a new addition to their regular lineup; Burton Baton. This imperial IPA was just recently moved from a seasonal brew to regular, and once again was courtesy of my trip to Jungle Jim's.

This started off with high expectations. The pour, as you can see, was pretty beautiful, and the scent was a classic imperial IPA. From there it went a little downhill. This beer is part IPA and part oak-aged IPA. Something about the oak aging and extreme hopping puts me off a little bit. The high level of bitterness throughout isn't bad, but the oak flavor with an IPA is odd to me. Oh well, here's the whole review.

Well, that's the jist of Dogfish Day January 2013. Not a bad day for beer. Finding the BCBCS definitely made my day, and then I saw a tweet saying a campus bar has a keg of Zombie Dust on tap. If I can get people going and to the bar soon enough I aim to try my first pint of ZD. Until next time, cheers!


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