Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Terrific Beer

Alright people,

I'd apologize for the long break in posts, but I know you guys don't care. It's finals week, and as a senior, I only have one more tomorrow. That means it's time for victory beers and a victory cigar.

I only had one new beer cold tonight, and it's been one I've been saving; Deschutes' and Hair of the Dog's Conflux No. 1 (Collage). I prefer to just call it Collage. It has a "Best After" date of that means that this beer is finally of legal drinking age.

Ok, so I normally don't do this, but since I  know none of you guys go read my reviews, I'm doing it for this beer....mainly because it's that damn good. Here's my review from BA:

This beer is a blend of several barrel aged beers, including The Dissident, The Stoic, Fred, and Adam together. I've never had any of these beers by themselves, but I know I want to, just from tasting Collage. I need to go find more bottles of this. I suggest if you folks with access (if I have any readers west of the Mighty Mississip) to the distribution can, go buy it.

I'm not going to say anymore about this one, other than it is a great damn beer. In about 12 hours, I'll officially be done with my undergrad studies, and in about 36 hours I'll be headed home for a little bit before graduation next week. It's been a pretty awesome college experience and I'm going to miss it, but I'm about ready to be a real person making a real paycheck. Until next time, cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I read your BA reviews. I just don't know what any of it really means half the time. Except when the word viscous is used. I know what that means.
