Alright people,
Well, syllabus week is over, but the homework is still yet to really begin, so it's time for some beer.
This weekend I cracked open the first New Glarus offering that Lane brought back for me and was not disappointed. The Apple Ale I opened (2 glasses because I was with the girlfriend) was pretty delicious. Most people would think this is a hard cider because it is so fruit-based and sweet. This one tasted just like a sweet basket of apples with a hint of cinnamon in there too. Right on the back end of this drink you can detect a hint of barley, proving it's a beer. Check out the full review here. More New Glarus beers on the way soon.
Tonight, we're making a trip back to Belgian for a traditional ale from a powerhouse brewer; Drie Fonteinen's Oude Geuze. I was able to find another bottle of this on the shelf in Indianapolis this weekend, and decided to try this one fresh and keep my 2010 bottle to age.
This one didn't disappoint right from the start. Small sour flavors on the nose and big sour notes on the tongue. Lemon and citrus notes are big in the sour flavor. After the sour, a little bit of wheat flavor can be picked up before more sour hits the tongue. Right at the end of the drink, just a slight bitterness from the hops shows up. Here's the full review.
Overall, this is a terrific beer. There is a reason that people think of 3F and Cantillon when they think of Belgian beer.
Well, that's it for this post. I'm hoping to get another one up here later this week. Until next time, grab a good beer and cheers!
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