Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the World Beer

Alright people,

As the Mayan end of times is upon us, I figure it's a good time to crack open a beer. At the same time, it's a great time to break in the new glass.

As I said last time, I was able to grab a Goose Island Night Stalker this past weekend. This is an interesting beer to me because it is a hoppy imperial stout. I love imperial stouts, and I appreciate IPA's, as well as black IPA's, so I'm curious to see if I like this one.

As you can see, the glass is working perfectly, and presenting a pretty perfect pour. The scent is the first thing you notice about this stout. The hops in this stout assault the nostrils like an IPA does, although not quite as pungent due to the malt flavors mixing in. The taste of this beer is the same way; starting off with a hop bang and transitioning into a more traditional stout flavor or chocolate and roasted malts. The most interesting part of this one is the mix of hops and malts. The dark malts and hops combine to produce a deep, dark fruit flavor profile. The only other time I've encountered a flavor like this in beer is in a Belgian quad. Anyway, the whole impression of the beer is favorable. It provides an interesting take on a style I love, and honestly, reminds me more of a black IPA than a stout. Next on the list of GI stouts are Big John and the BCBS variants if I can nab one. (Here's my whole review of Night Stalker.)

On a final note, I'd like to thank you all one last time for taking some time to read this blog. It might be the end of the world tonight, and if it is, I will begin drinking through my cellar at the first signs. It might provide a bright side to the world ending if I'm going out slammed on great beer. Anyway, good luck with the apocalypse and cheers!


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