Saturday, November 3, 2012

Catch up from a Busy Week

Alright people,

My life has been crazy this week, so I haven't had much time to post. To recap, I had an interview 2.5 hours away from campus on Thursday, an exam on Friday morning, homework due on Wednesday and Friday, and group projects and meetings in between. Thankfully I have survived.

As for beer related news, Friday seemed like a good day to relax and review a few new beers. First off was one of the new Budweiser Project 12 beers. For those of you who don't know what those are, Google it because it will take a whole paragraph to explain. Anyway, I tried and reviewed the new Batch 63118 beer from the brewmaster in St. Louis, and was pleasantly surprised for a German pils style lager. Light, crisp, refreshing, with more flavor than regular Bud. This is a slightly above average, very chuggable beer. My full thoughts here.

Next up was my first venture into wet hop ales with a Three Floyds Broo Doo. I know everyone worships Three Floyds for beers like the Dark Lords, Zombie Dust, Baller Stouts, and Behemoth, but I've never been blown away by the beers I've had from them; and that trend continued. Broo Doo was a solid IPA, but the wet-hopping isn't the style of hop administration I enjoy. The scent of the beer is way more juicy than a dry-hopped IPA, but the taste is just a little off to me. Either way it was a solid beer, with this review and this picture:

The last review of the day happened when I stopped by the liquor store a little guy I'd been waiting on had finally arrived. Sierra Nevada's Narwhal Imperial Stout had come in, so a grabbed a 4-pack. SN had been planning an impy stout for a little while and I was curious to see their take on the style; they did not disappoint. This stout's label speaks of a lot of chocolate and coffee in the brew, and frankly, I couldn't find a lot of coffee, but man was the chocolate there. Huge semisweet chocolate flavors right up front, with hints of coffee roasts on the back end. A touch of alcohol heat was present in the flavor, but nothing an impy stout doesn't usually have. This is a very solid beer (review) and I'm glad I have 3 more to try over time as they age.

That's it people. I had a busy week followed by a busy beer Friday. I might get the chance to review and blog again tomorrow so keep an eye out. Next week might be slim pickings for a little bit again and the exams continue their onslaught.

Until next time, cheers!

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