Monday, April 1, 2013

Home Brew Time Again

Alright people,

I know, I know. It's been quite a while since I've given you all a post, and I have a good excuse....ok, not really. I'm lazy. Spring break was one reason for the extended break, but it was really mainly my own laziness.

Anyway, Jason and Craig have bestowed 4 more of their home brewed beers on me in exchange for all of my empties. The four bottles I got are a honey wheat, a hoppy wheat, a vanilla porter, and a java stout. Tonight I'll be taking a look at the java stout, mainly because at the rate the Reds are taking on Opening Day, I'll need coffee to finish watching this game.

First off, this is a beautiful pour. A little lighter in color than most stouts, not quite black with some light coming through the edges. Most of the body is pretty pitch black. Second thing you notice about this beer it the thick, creamy head. Retention is great, and the head is dense and very creamy. Probably the best head I've had on a beer that hasn't been nitro poured. Real nice job on the presentation guys.

The smell of this one is all coffee. Reminds me a lot of Ballast Point's Victory at Sea. Quality smelling coffee that displays a mostly strong, bitter flavor.Taste follows the scent, with coffee being prominent. Good mix of coffee with the other burnt malt flavors. Slight metallic flavor toward the end, but this is probably more noticeable because most coffee stouts I have are big imperial guys. Overall weight of this one is light; about the feel of a Guinness. Not too thick, not too thin, but very drinkable over a long period of time. Body is enough to support the heavy flavor profile, and the thick, creamy head makes this one feel very smooth.

In the end, Jason and Craig did a hell of a job with this beer. Their first oatmeal stout was good, but this beer stepped it up as far as their stouts go for me. Maybe not a thick and heavy as I like, but the coffee is right on point. I like the coffee in this beer because it is strong, but not overpowering. So many times coffee just takes over a beer. The best part of this beer though is the body. Great, thick head with awesome lacing. That's a sign that you have quality ingredients and a clean brewing process. You guys nailed that this time around as compared to your red ale.

As I write, the Reds are in the middle of the 13th inning, going on 4.5 hours of game time. Hope they can wrap up Opening Day soon. Until next time, go Reds!

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