Saturday, November 2, 2013

Chocolate Milk Time!

Alright people,

Well, I know it's been a long time since my last blog post, but beer is still beer, and I'm here to talk about it, and a few other things.

First, the Reds failed miserably in their postseason game, and I'm finally over it now that they fired Dusty and hired a new manager. The Cardinals lost in the World Series, and subsequently gave me much relief.

Goose Island released their Sisters this past week. There were two new ones, Gillian and Halia, to go along with Lolita and Juliet. If you don't know, Lolita and Juliet are wild ales that are both considered sours. Gillian and Halia are farmhouse ales that are aged in wine barrels with strawberries and peaches respectively. I was able to run down a Juliet and a Halia. I had the opportunity to purchase the other two, but at a fairly high markup, so I skipped.

On to the beer of the night; 4 Hands Chocolate Milk Stout. 4 Hands has become somewhat of a consistent brewery appearing on this blog, and this beer is their seasonal for the fall. It combines two of my favorite styles, milk stouts and chocolate stouts. So let's take a look at this beer a little more closely.

This one starts off looking big and black in the glass with a somewhat sizable head. Lacing on this one is very good. The scent and taste of this one is pure chocolate; semisweet for most of the smell and drink, but still sweet enough to provide a very distinctive flavor. Light in alcohol and fairly high in carbonation, this beer is a little out of norm for me for stouts, as I like imperials, but that makes it very drinkable. Check out my full review here.

Overall, I liked this beer. Chocolate milk in a beer? Yes please. Until next time, cheers!

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